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Shape the future with us as we prepare you for a promising career in the construction industry with a focus on digitalization in the built environment (artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality drones, etc). This industry-ready undergraduate programme offers a wide range of multidisciplinary courses that prepare you not just as a civil engineer but also as a professional for life.

Unleash your potential

What You'll Learn

Through the B.Tech Civil Engineering programme, you will:

  • Get an in-depth understanding of the design and development of transportation systems, buildings, bridges, highways, and similar infrastructural projects.
  • Gain expertise in tools and techniques in digitalization that help achieve results in a modern, futuristic construction environment.
  • Learn how to introduce sustainability in your actions, decisions, and problem solving while working on construction projects.

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Programme at a Glance

The unique curriculum of B.Tech Civil includes an array of disciplines that range from digitalization and structural engineering to environmental engineering, and hydraulics.


Digitalization in the Construction Industry

Undergo training on cutting-edge applications such as BIM, AI & ML, Robotics, Automation, and others to help you visualize construction buildability and constructability ahead of time. This ability will help you to simplify the process, and ensure that projects are delivered on time and on budget while maintaining quality.

Structural Engineering

Build a solid foundation in structural engineering design principles, and also learn about the theories and concepts of concrete, steel design, and analysis at element and system levels. Through problem sets and a comprehensive design project, you will gain hands-on design experience and skills.

Transportation Engineering

Learn how to develop comprehensive transportation planning and design for a country.

Geotechnical Engineering

An advantageous discipline that develops your awareness of potential complications before they occur. Buildings may sustain significant damage as a result of an earthquake, slope stability shifting, ongoing settlement, or other effects if advanced calculations and testing are performed by a Geotechnical engineer.

Construction Engineering & Management

Learn about the various management and engineering aspects required to successfully run a construction industry, with a focus on construction sustainability.

Environmental Engineering

This discipline aids in understanding and ensuring the long-term viability of societal development and the use of water, land, and air resources.


This discipline is closely related to the design of bridges, dams, channels, canals, and levees, as well as to both sanitary and hydrologic systems.

Hydrology & Water Resources Engineering

A multidisciplinary civil engineering specialization that deals with the occurrence, circulation, and distribution of water on Earth.

- Civil Engineering taught in the digital context

- Industry-ready application-oriented curriculum

- Lively campus

- Provision for micro-specialization

- Provision for getting B.Tech Honours

- Global spread of alumni

- Strong industry connect

- Well-qualified world class faculty

- Placement assistance

- Attractive scholarships and awards

- Mandatory internship

- MoU with overseas universities

- State-of-the-art laboratories, classrooms, and library

- Provision for semester abroad

Pune Campus

Seamlessly blending with Baner’s elite, cutting-edge lifestyle, our Pune campus will leave you enchanted with its state-of-the-art learning and living facilities.

Duration: 4 years full time


Year 1- Semester 1

Semesters 1 and 2 provide an overall understanding of engineering through multi-disciplinary courses in Basic Science, Engineering Science, and Humanities, allowing the civil engineer to think holistically.

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  • Fundamental of Engineering Mathematics

    This course is to familiarize prospective engineers with techniques in calculus, multivariate analysis, and linear algebra. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools at an intermediate to advanced level that will serve them well in tackling the more advanced level of mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines

  • Engineering Physics

    Engineering Physics readies students to apply physics to 21st-century engineering challenges. Here students will undergo the concepts and techniques of quantum mechanics are essential in many areas of engineering and science such as materials science, nanotechnology, electronic devices, and photonics.

  • Computer-Aided Engineering Graphics

    All phases of manufacturing or construction necessitate the translation of new ideas and design concepts into graphic line language. As a result, there are many areas (civil, mechanical, electrical, architectural, and industrial) where CAD technicians' skills play important roles in the design and development of new products or construction. Students in this course prepare for actual work situations by receiving hands-on training in a new state-of-the-art computer-designed CAD laboratory using engineering software.

  • Elements of Mechanical Engineering

    This course provides fundamental knowledge related to mechanical engineering that will have a minimum understanding of mechanical systems, equipment, and process

  • Basic and sustainable Construction materials

    This course will focus on the Environmental impact of materials, life-cycle assessment, material selection to optimize performance, design, evaluation, and production of green and basic construction materials.

  • Basic Workshop Practices

    In this course, students will have a better understanding of the various manufacturing processes used in the industry to fabricate components out of various materials.

  • Communicative English

    This course will provide students with basic English skills such as reading and listening comprehension, writing, and speaking.

  • Indian Knowledge System

    This course provides the students with the fundamental aspects related to Indian knowledge systems and ancient art, architecture, water management and transportation, and sacred ecology.

  • Performing Arts

    To energise, motivate and challenge the participants to foster their creativity, allowing the participants to express freely

Year 1- Semester 2

Semesters 1 and 2 provide an overall understanding of engineering through multi-disciplinary courses in Basic Science, Engineering Science, and Humanities, allowing the civil engineer to think holistically.

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  • Advanced Engineering Mathematics

    This course is to familiarize prospective engineers with techniques in multivariate integration, ordinary and partial differential equations, and complex variables. It aims to equip the students to deal with an advanced level of mathematics and applications that would be essential for their disciplines

  • Engineering Chemistry

    The concepts developed in this course will aid in the quantification of several concepts in chemistry that have been introduced at the 10+2 levels in schools. Technology is increasingly based on electronic, atomic, and molecular-level modifications

  • Elements of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

    This course will give a basic understanding and analysis of basic electric and magnetic circuits, working principles of electrical machines and power converters, and components of low-voltage electrical installations. Also, will broadly give the concepts and functionalities of the electronic devices, tools, instruments along with practical exposure

  • Engineering Mechanics

    This will give an understanding of equilibrium equations, moments, and inertia problems, and help to master computing basic skills to use to advantage in solving mechanics problems

  • Construction Workshop Practices

    In this course, the students will gain knowledge of the different manufacturing processes which are commonly employed in the industry, to fabricate components using different materials.

  • Biology for Engineers

    This course is based on the application of biological advances in engineering to create products that benefit both fields as well as humanity

  • Modern Indian Languages

    This course provides the students with the fundamental aspects of Modern Indian Languages for its practical usage.

  • Yoga

    To energize, motivate, and challenge the participants to foster their physical and mental strength

Year 2- Semester 3

The third and fourth semesters provide students with a fundamental understanding of various civil engineering disciplines.

It is the beginning of a journey into various fields of Civil Engineering.

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  • Numerical Methods in Engineering

    This course will introduce students to the Laplace Transform, and Fourier Transform, and their applications, as well as the logic group, sets, lattices, Boolean algebra, and Karnaugh maps. It aims to provide students with standard concepts and tools at the B.Tech level

  • Building Construction and Architectural Planning

    This course will give a basic understanding of how a building is constructed focusing on different components of the building. Further, as a part of digitization students will be introduced to computer-aided drawing to prepare an architectural drawing of a structure.

  • Surveying

    This is a professional course that teaches how to measure land and plots. This course covers the fundamentals of topographical mapping and survey drawing. Further students will get field training to prepare a topographical mapping and survey drawing

  • Concrete Technology

    The concrete technology course will have Properties of ingredients, tests, Production of concrete, mixing, compaction curing, Properties of fresh concrete, Defects in Concrete, and Concrete additives. The behavior of concrete in tension and compression, shear and bond, Influence of various factors on test results. Further students will have hands-on training in the laboratory to understand concrete and the properties of its basic ingredients

  • Strength of Materials

    This subject involves analytical methods for determining the strength, stiffness (deformation characteristics), and stability of the various members of a structural system. The behavior of a member depends not only on the fundamental laws that govern the equilibrium of forces but also on the mechanical characteristics of the material.

  • Environmental Engineering

    This course focuses on the protection and preservation of the environment and its resources, as well as the protection of people from environmental threats. Environmental engineers research population growth and keep an eye on air and water quality.

  • Constitution of India

    The course is designed to address various articles of the constitution of India which will help an engineer to become a better professional.

Year 2 - Semester 4

The third and fourth semesters provide students with a fundamental understanding of various civil engineering disciplines.

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  • Engineering Mathematics - 4

    This course will help engineers in the areas of Basic Probability, Continuous Probability Distributions, Bivariate Distributions, Basic and Applied Statistics

  • Fluid Mechanics

    The course provides a first-level exposure to the students to fluid statics, kinematics, and dynamics. Measurement of pressure, computations of hydrostatic forces on structural components, and the concepts of Buoyancy all find useful applications in many engineering problems. Further students will have hands-on training in the laboratory to understand the process of fluid mechanics.

  • Structural Analysis- I

    This subject involves the Direct stiffness method of structural analysis, fundamentals, and algorithms, numerical analysis of plane trusses, grids and frames, virtual work and energy principles, and introduction to the finite element method for plane stress and plane strain.

  • Soil Mechanics

    The study of soil's physical characteristics and how they affect soil strength, stability, and drainage are the focus of soil mechanics. Further students will have hands-on training in the laboratory to understand the engineering properties of soil

  • Highway Engineering

    The course consists of the following aspects: Traffic Flow, Geometric Alignment and Design, Highway Pavement Materials and Design Structural Design of Pavement Thickness, Design of Intersections, Pavement Maintenance, and Design of Interchanges. Further students will have hands-on training in the laboratory to understand the pavement material characteristics

  • Introduction to Python

    This course provides an understanding of the basic principles of Python, the skill to meaningfully develop a program, basic Python Syntax, Python Libraries, and Python Functions Be able to create simple programs, work with datatypes, and convert datatypes.

Year 3 - Semester 5

The fifth semester will introduce students to other aspects of civil engineering

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  • Engineering Management

    This Course will teach how to master engineering and management concepts by focusing on the knowledge and skills required to coordinate an entire construction project.

  • Structural Analysis II

    This course covers the Analysis of building frames, Kani’s, moment distribution and other methods and Approximate methods, Stiffness matrix method, Application to simple problems of beams and frames; Flexibility matrix method, Application to simple problems of beams and frames; Moving loads for determinate beams, Different load cases, Influence lines for forces for types of structural components.

  • Design and Drawing of RCC Structures

    This course emphasizes the strength, behavior, and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to moments, shear, and axial forces, with extensive discussion of the influence of the material properties on the behavior of the structure. Further students will get hands-on training in drawing preparation.

  • Transportation Engineering

    This course is designed to provide insight & understanding of Railway Engineering and Port and Harbours

  • Foundation Engineering

    The course on Foundation Engineering provides the students necessary geotechnical engineering skills to analyze and design shallow and deep foundation systems under different loading and soil conditions

  • Hydrology and Water Resource Engineering

    It deals with the development of water resource infrastructure and a scientific study of the effects, properties, and distribution of water on the earth's surface in soil, underlying rock structures, and the earth's atmosphere.

  • Programming for Problem-Solving

    This course introduces the basics of MATLAB programming and computational methods essential for civil engineering, covering variables, arrays, functions, and error analysis. Students will learn to solve linear equations and perform statistical analysis and data visualization using MATLAB. Hands-on sessions will focus on writing scripts, modeling civil engineering systems, and implementing advanced numerical methods like the finite element method. The course culminates in a mini-project where students apply their skills to tackle a real-world civil engineering problem using MATLAB.

Year 3 - Semester 6

In the sixth semester, students will develop expertise in areas like estimation, costing, design, and drawing of steel structures, foundation engineering, and more.

The sixth semester also introduces students to the Design Thinking Lab, which will cultivate entrepreneurship/research by incubating young minds with design thinking.

One programme core Elective and two open electives will be Offered in the 6th semester from the pool of courses available.

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  • Estimation & Costing

    This course will demonstrate to you how to calculate rates and create estimates using a Bill of Quantities, as well as how to calculate the approximate cost and quantity of material for any project.

  • Design and Drawing of steel structures

    This course deals with the properties of materials, loads, and stresses, Design of semi-rigid, rigid, and moment-resistant connections, Built-up sections Design of tension members subjected to axial tension and bending, splicing of the tension member, Design of compression members, Beam-column connections, Design of columns and their bases Design of flexural members and Plate girder and design Industrial buildings, design of purlins, trusses, bracings; gantry girders; Introduction to Plastic analysis; Simple cases of beams and frames. Further students will get hands-on training in drawing preparation.

  • Advanced Design of RCC

    Students will learn how to analyze and design RC structures like RC continuous beams, ribbed slabs and grid floors, flat slabs and flat plates, multi-story RC frames, RC deep beams and corbels, and understand various aspects of tall buildings. They will also perform yield line analysis on slabs as part of this course.

  • Structural Health Monitoring

    This course introduces theoretical and practical principles of the design of sensor systems and the evaluation of structures using non-destructive methods of testing.

Year 4 - Semester 7 & Semester 8

In the final year of B.Tech. students have to study a blend of different programme elective courses in the track of their choice or in general. Also, Students have to study open electives that are offered by other schools of NICMAR University, and along with that they need to perform the project work.

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  • Research Methodology

    In a research methodology course, students learn the essential principles and techniques of conducting scientific research. This includes understanding different research designs, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. The course covers the formulation of research questions, hypothesis testing, and the ethical considerations in research. Additionally, students gain skills in writing research proposals, literature reviews, and presenting research findings effectively.

    In the Final Semester, students have to choose an elective from the given basket of courses and open electives

    Further, they have to undergo mandatory internships outside the NICMAR University and acquire the required credit in the 8th semester.

  • Professional Practice, Law & Ethics

    The course is designed to address the roles civil engineers are expected to play in society as practitioners of the civil engineering profession and to develop some ideas of the legal and practical aspects of their profession..

An enriching environment

Class Profile

Join a diverse community of learners who have passed their Class XII Board exams, and are ready to transform the construction industry with their ideas and hard work.

  • 19

    Average age

  • 7

    Average Courses Each Semester

  • 21

    Average Credits Per Semester


Our leader

Dr. Shashank B S,
Head, B.Tech Civil

With a doctoral degree in Civil Engineering, Shashank B S is an IGBC-accredited faculty committed to academic and professional excellence. With over a decade of teaching, research, and administration experience, he represents the right blend to lead the new undergraduate civil engineering programme at NICMAR University. He specializes in Concrete Technology, and is an ardent believer of incorporating digitalization and sustainability as a core component of engineering education.

His research interests include self-healing concrete, concrete technology advancements, and alternative building materials. His research has been published / presented in national and international journals / conferences of repute. He has guided over 20 UG and PG theses. As an administrator, he has coordinated multiple programmes, organized workshops, established labs, and led accreditation activities.

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Admission Requirements

Eligibility & Selection Criteria

  I. Candidate Passed HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical Vocational subjects, or Computer Science or Information Technology or Informatics Practices or Agriculture or Engineering Graphics or Business Studies or Electronics or Entrepreneurship and obtained at least 45% marks (at least 40% marks, in case of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Section and Persons with Disability candidates)..

  II. Passed three years of D. Voc. Stream in the same or allied sector..

  III. Passed a minimum 3 years Diploma in Engineering and Technology and obtained at least 45% marks (at least 40% marks, in case of Backward class categories Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Persons with Disability candidates).

  • Nationality
    The applicant should be a Resident / Non-Resident Indian National / PIO / OCI.
  • Age limit
    No age limit applicable.
  • Qualifying examination
    Applicants applying for UG Engineering admission should have either completed or shall be appearing in 2023, in any one of the following qualifying examinations:
  • Indian Nationals
    a) Final examination of the 10+2 system of Higher Secondary Examination conducted by the State Board, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE, New Delhi), The Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE), New Delhi.

    b) Candidate should have obtained at least 45% marks (at least 40% marks, in case of Backward class categories, Economically Weaker Sections, and Persons with Disability candidates) in the subjects taken with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical Vocational subjects, or Computer Science or Information Technology or Informatics Practices or Agriculture or Engineering Graphics or Business Studies.

    c) Passed 3 years of Diploma in Engineering and Technology and obtained at least 55 % marks (at least 50 % marks, in case of Backward class categories Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Persons with Disability)

  • NRI/OCI/PIO, Children of Indian workers in Gulf Countries (CIWGC), Foreign National (FN) Candidates
    The candidate should have passed the HSC or its equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry or Biotechnology or Biology or Technical Vocational subject or Computer Science or Information Technology or Informatics Practices or Agriculture or Engineering Graphics or Business Studies or Electronics or Entrepreneurship and obtained at least 55% marks in the above subjects taken together.

Selection Criteria

  Students interested in the B.Tech programme should appear in JEE/ MH CET/ PERA/CUET/Other states CET/UG NCAT and PI.


  I. Candidates who have appeared for the class XII examination and are awaiting their final results will be provisionally admitted to the programme based on their performance in the selection process. These candidates must ensure that the pending mark sheets are submitted within one month of the commencement of programme, failing which the admission will be cancelled.

  II. Any other criterion is declared from time to time by the appropriate authority as defined under the Act.

  III. In case the eligibility criteria are not applicable, the decision of NICMAR University will be final.

Your trajectory

Career opportunities

As a B.Tech Civil Engineering graduate from NICMAR University, you can pursue the following careers:

Structural Consultant Site Execution Engineer
Quantity Surveyor Billing Engineer
Safety and Quality Control Engineer Planning Engineer
Geotechnical consultant PMC consultant


  • Is there a difference between a BE and B.Tech programme?

    Not entirely. BE is a type of engineering course that strengthens the theoretical foundations of engineering students, whereas, B.Tech, along with strengthening theoretical knowledge, also emphasizes application-based Knowledge.

  • How are the placement prospects of the B.Tech?

    They've set new records! We're proud of the industry connections we've developed and nurtured over the last 30 years, allowing us to invite only the best and most sought-after recruiters for our students. In fact, over 200 companies visit us each year for on-campus placements. During your final year and interim internships, you can expect excellent placement assistance.

  • What kind of financial aid can you help with?

    We’ve tied up with India’s leading banks and financial institutions for you to get education loans with utmost ease. These institutions include HDFC Credila, ICICI Bank, Saraswat Co-op Bank, Bank of Baroda, Credenc, Union Bank of India, Avanse, and many others.

  • Is an internship a part of this programme? What kind of support can I expect?

    Of course! The programme offers internships in the 3rd year which may also result in a PPO (Pre-placement Offer).

  • Is there any restriction on the number of subjects studied in Class XII for students from boards other than CBSE or state boards?

    No, students from all boards are eligible to apply to the B.Tech programme, irrespective of the number of subjects opted for in Class XII.

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Take a look at our talented learners that transformed into lifelong leaders after passing out with flying colours.

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News & Updates

NICMAR University is Recognised as State Private University by UGC.

NICMAR University Pune Act (Mah. Act No. XXXVI of 2022) was passed by Maharashtra State Government on 16th March, 2022 and appeared in “Maharashtra Government Gazette” on 12th May 2022 .