Genesis, a Club for Gender Championship, Harmony and Inclusivity

About GenesisA club for gender championship, harmony and inclusivity, established as per guidelines of UGC.
Gender socialization of both boys and girls begins early, and it is important to initiate change processes at a young age to shape attitudes and transform behaviors.

Higher education institutes play a major role in this as students spend large amounts of time engaged with peers in such settings. Creating positive social norms in educational institutions wherein all genders are equally respected and valued, can go a long way in well-being and development of girls and achieve long-term and sustainable social change.

India is home to around 232 million individuals aged l5-24 years, who account for 19.15% of the country's population. Engaging with these young boys and girls is crucial to help them critically assess notions of masculinity and question prevailing gender inequities. We need to tap into the goodness and sense of justice of these young boys and girls, and give them tools for maintaining those gifts as they encounter people and experiences that are different from their own. In order to promote gender equality, guaranteed by Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, we need to change the mode of interaction at all levels - home. school, workplace and so on. To increase the outreach for creating an environment that fosters equal treatment.
Gender Champions are envisaged as responsible leaders who will facilitate an enabling environment at their respective universities.

  • Provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating /mainstreaming gender in all activities focused group discussions, debates, poster competitions
  • Selection of gender champions at NUP

Activities Conducted under ICC and Genesis for Women. Download